Monday 23 April 2018

Vantagens e desvantagens de outorgar opções de ações

Reduzindo os incentivos dos gerentes para canibalizar: Opções de ações gerenciais quando os acionistas são diversificados ☆

Analisamos a vantagem relativa dos subsídios de opções em comparação com a remuneração de ações quando os acionistas são diversificados. Nossa análise reconhece um conflito amplamente negligenciado na literatura de finanças corporativas. Os acionistas querem maximizar seu valor de portfólio, enquanto as regras de orçamento de capital direcionam os gerentes a escolher projetos que maximizem o valor da empresa (patrimônio). As opções podem reduzir esse conflito motivando os gerentes a evitar projetos que aumentem o valor de uma empresa às custas de outra empresa. Além disso, em nossa estrutura, a avaliação de desempenho relativa destrói valor para os acionistas, uma vez que incentiva as empresas a se envolverem em atividades canibais. Em consonância com as previsões do nosso modelo, descobrimos que as empresas com menor participação de propriedade privilegiada, maior propriedade institucional e menor alavancagem tendem a fornecer mais concessões de opções como compensação aos seus executivos.

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Os autores agradecem a Amir Barnea, Gilles Chemla, Judith Chevalier, François Derrien, Adlai Fisher, Lorenzo Garlappi, Ron Giammarino, Rob Heinkel, Tom Ross, Mark Rubinstein, Jacob Sagi, Issouf Soumare e Ralph Winter pelas valiosas sugestões e conselhos. Ambos os autores reconhecem com gratidão o apoio à pesquisa do Conselho de Pesquisa em Ciências Sociais e Humanidades do Canadá. Todos os erros e omissões são de nossa responsabilidade.

Opções, reprecificação de opções na remuneração gerencial: seus efeitos no risco de investimento corporativo.


As opções de venda e reprecificação de opções têm propriedades desejáveis ​​ex ante.

As opções de venda em compensações são análogas à prática observada de indenização por demissão.

As chamadas de retorno em compensação têm efeitos desejáveis ​​nas políticas de risco corporativo.

As opções de chamada de lookback são análogas à prática observada de reprecificação de opções.

Embora as opções de ações sejam comumente usadas na remuneração gerencial para fornecer incentivos desejáveis, elas podem criar incentivos adversos para distorcer a escolha do risco de investimento. Em relação ao nível de risco que maximiza o valor da empresa, as opções de compra em um contrato de remuneração podem induzir riscos corporativos excessivos ou insuficientes, dependendo da aversão ao risco gerencial e da tecnologia de investimento subjacente. Mostramos que a inclusão de opções de lookback lookback em pacotes de compensação tem efeitos compensatórios desejáveis ​​na escolha gerencial das políticas de risco corporativo e pode induzir políticas de risco que aumentam a riqueza dos acionistas. Argumentamos que as opções de chamada de retorno são análogas à prática observada de reprecificação de opções.

Classificação JEL.

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ECO 550 Week 1 Problemas de lição de casa.

ECO 550 Week 1 Problemas de lição de casa (um trabalho de série)

Siga o link abaixo para adquirir a solução ECO550 semana 1.

Você também pode adquirir a aula completa da ECO 550 Semana 1-11 (Todas as Perguntas para Discussão, Exame Intermediário, Exame Final, Atribuições Escritas 1,2,3,4 e todos os Problemas de Trabalho de Casa (CYUs) semana 1-11).

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Problemas do ECO 550 Capítulo 1.

2. Explique várias dimensões do conflito acionista-principal com os agentes gestores conhecidos como problema principal-agente. Para mitigar os problemas de agência entre executivos seniores e acionistas, o comitê de remuneração do conselho deve se dedicar mais ao salário executivo e bônus (compensação em dinheiro) ou mais a incentivos de longo prazo? Por quê? Qual o papel que cada tipo de pagamento desempenha na motivação dos gerentes?

3. A lucratividade corporativa diminuiu 20% de 2008 a 2009. Qual porcentagem de desempenho você usaria para acionar bônus de executivos para esse ano? Por quê? Quais problemas surgiriam ao contratar e reter os melhores gerentes?

6. No contexto do modelo de maximização da riqueza dos acionistas de uma empresa, qual é o impacto esperado de cada um dos seguintes eventos no valor da empresa? Explique porque.

Novos concorrentes estrangeiros entram no mercado. Requisitos rigorosos de controle de poluição são promulgados. Uma força de trabalho anteriormente não sindicalizada vota para se sindicalizar. A taxa de inflação aumenta substancialmente. Um grande avanço tecnológico é alcançado pela empresa, reduzindo seus custos de produção.

Problemas do ECO 550 Capítulo 2.

Para cada um dos determinantes da demanda na Equação 2.1, identifique um exemplo ilustrando o efeito sobre a demanda por veículos híbridos gasolina-elétricos, como o Toyota Prius. Então faça o mesmo para cada um dos determinantes da oferta na Equação 2.2. Em cada caso, o equilíbrio seria o aumento ou a diminuição do preço de mercado? Considere substitutos como híbridos plug-in, o Nissan Leaf e o Chevy Volt, além de complementos como baterias para laptops a gasolina e íons de lítio.

5. Dois investimentos têm os seguintes retornos esperados (valores presentes líquidos) e desvio padrão dos retornos:

6. O gerente da divisão aeroespacial da General Aeronautics estimou o preço que pode cobrar pelo fornecimento de serviços de lançamento de satélites para empresas comerciais. Sua estimativa mais otimista (um preço que não deve ser ultrapassado em mais de 10% do tempo) é de US $ 2 milhões. Sua estimativa mais pessimista (um preço menor do que este não é esperado mais de 10 por cento do tempo) é de US $ 1 milhão. A estimativa de valor esperado é de US $ 1,5 milhão. Acredita-se que a distribuição de preços seja aproximadamente normal.

uma. Qual é o preço esperado?

b. Qual é o desvio padrão do preço de lançamento?

c. Qual é a probabilidade de receber um preço inferior a US $ 1,2 milhão?

ECO 550 Trabalho de casa, capítulos 1 e 2.

ECO 550 Questões para Discussão Todas as Semanas (Um Trabalho Graduado Garantido)

Visite o link a seguir para comprar a solução para as discussões do ECO550.

Nós temos todos os Atribuições, Problemas, Período Intermediário, Exame Final para o ECO 550 e muitas outras classes do Strayer, envie um email para support@hwmojo se precisar de ajuda. Nós podemos ajudá-lo a marcar A para suas aulas.

& # 8220; Tomada de decisão econômica gerencial & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

A partir da e-Activity, avalie como os líderes de negócios usam a economia gerencial para tomar decisões de negócios, indicando como os lucros podem ser afetados. Analise o problema principal-agente para determinar como o relacionamento poderia ser menos contraditório. Forneça suporte para sua justificativa.

Conceitos Econômicos Fundamentais & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

Escolha um bem ou serviço lançado recentemente. Em seguida, determine os fatores que devem ser avaliados em relação à oferta e à demanda do produto. Analise como esses fatores afetam a decisão de fornecer o produto, indicando a importância de cada um deles no processo de tomada de decisão. Usando o mesmo exemplo de produto acima, discuta como os fatores de tolerância ao risco afetam o fornecimento do bem ou serviço e como isso deve influenciar as decisões da administração.

& # 8220; Análise de demanda & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

A partir do e-Activity, se você fosse gerente de uma empresa de tabaco, analise a elasticidade da demanda por produtos de tabaco. Avaliar os fatores envolvidos na tomada de decisões sobre precificação de produtos de tabaco, indicando quais seriam os mais influentes. Utilizando o mesmo cenário acima, discuta como a elasticidade influencia as decisões de curto e longo prazo da empresa e o impacto na tomada de decisão relacionada à rentabilidade.

& # 8220; Estimativa de demanda & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

Forneça um exemplo de quando seria apropriado conduzir uma série temporal ou dados de seção transversal. Discuta os possíveis problemas que possam surgir com o seu exemplo e identifique estratégias para minimizar o impacto dos possíveis problemas. Discutir o significado do coeficiente de regressão da (s) variável (s) independente (s) e como ela poderia ser usada para estimar as elasticidades de cada uma dessas variáveis. Discuta como os gerentes usam as medidas de elasticidades para tomar decisões gerenciais.

& # 8220; Previsão de negócios e economia & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

A partir da e-Activity, desenvolva uma equação de regressão usando os dados coletados de sua pesquisa. Use a equação de regressão para concentrar a demanda do produto escolhido nos próximos três períodos. Avalie o que os resultados da equação de regressão informam aos gerentes e como isso pode afetar as decisões tomadas relacionadas à maximização da lucratividade. Imagine que você é um gerente do bem ou serviço usado acima. A partir dos resultados da equação de regressão, sugerir estratégias para manter a demanda (se ocorrer um aumento em três períodos) ou melhorar a demanda (se ocorrer uma diminuição em três períodos). Forneça suporte para suas recomendações.

& # 8220; Gerenciando na economia global & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

Avaliar a relação entre a crise do Euro em 2012 e a economia americana. Avalie como isso afeta os negócios americanos e as decisões tomadas por gerentes relacionados à lucratividade sustentável. Forneça exemplos com sua resposta. Além de maximizar os lucros, avalie os fatores que os gerentes devem considerar ao tomar a decisão de terceirizar ou integrar para frente ou para trás, considerando qual fator seria o mais influente para a tomada de decisões.

& # 8220; Economia da Produção & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

A partir da e-Activity, determine a variável ambiental com maior probabilidade de afetar a produção de curto prazo nos próximos 12 meses. Determine o que os gerentes podem fazer para se preparar para a possível mudança na produção de curto prazo. Escolha um negócio real ou fictício. Crie um cenário em torno desse negócio no qual um gerente decidiria parar as operações no curto prazo ou sair do negócio no longo prazo. Forneça uma justificativa com sua resposta.

& # 8220; Análise de custos & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

Escolha um bem ou serviço. Distinguir entre a produção de curto e longo prazo e a função de custo para esse bem ou serviço. Discuta como o preço desempenha um papel nas decisões de curto prazo e de longo prazo e como os gerentes provavelmente responderão em cada caso. Usando o mesmo bem ou serviço de cima. Identifique os custos fixos e variáveis ​​para o bem ou serviço. Com base nos custos identificados, recomende se produz ou não o produto ou serviço. Forneça uma justificativa com sua resposta.

& # 8220; Aplicações da Teoria dos Custos & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

Imagine que você é gerente de uma empresa de produtos químicos. Ocorreu um acidente no qual produtos químicos vazaram nas águas subterrâneas próximas, a comunidade não está ciente. Avalie os custos envolvidos na limpeza da água imediatamente (confessando) versus ocultando o fato e possivelmente pagando mais no futuro. Discuta o impacto sobre a rentabilidade em ambas as situações. A partir da primeira e-Activity, avalie os fatores envolvidos na condução de uma análise de equilíbrio. Determinar as condições que podem existir para um gerente desse bem ou serviço pode decidir avançar com as operações, mesmo que os custos iniciais das operações sejam superiores à receita potencial.

& # 8220; Preços, Produção e Estratégia & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

Escolha um bem ou serviço que você esteja familiarizado. Especule como o preço desse bem ou serviço pode ter sido definido e como esse preço maximiza o lucro para a empresa e determine que mudanças a empresa deve fazer em sua estratégia de precificação. Forneça suporte para suas recomendações. A partir da segunda e-Activity, discuta como a empresa selecionada deve aumentar sua posição competitiva no mercado e como a administração implementaria as recomendações. Forneça exemplos específicos para suportar sua resposta.

& # 8220; Monopólios & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

Desde a primeira e-Activity, imagine que esta empresa atuando como um monopólio era ter um novo concorrente chegando ao mercado. Avalie como o monopólio provavelmente mudaria sua estratégia de preços para compensar a nova concorrência. Desde a primeira e-Activity, especular como o monopolista poderia ser mais eficiente a longo prazo, considerando que a nova concorrência entrou no mercado.

& # 8220; Oligopólio & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

A partir da segunda e-Activity, avalie as estratégias de marketing e precificação, por exemplo, descontos, para determinar as metas das estratégias de marketing e de preços para uma das empresas pesquisadas. Faça uma recomendação de mudanças que a empresa deve fazer para maximizar os lucros. A Internet tornou as compras de passagens aéreas eficientes para o consumidor. Como resultado, a indústria em geral é sensível ao preço. Sugira como as companhias aéreas podem maximizar os lucros evitando as guerras de preços.

& # 8220; Teoria dos jogos & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

A demanda por passagens aéreas flutua ao longo do ano, o que afeta o preço de uma passagem aérea. Sugira o tipo de jogo que pode ser mais apropriado para uma companhia aérea específica jogar para lidar com as diferenças de demanda e elasticidade e o impacto resultante na lucratividade. Forneça suporte para sua resposta. A partir da primeira e-Activity, proponha uma estratégia de preços de curto e longo prazo para o produto ou serviço que você pesquisou, incluindo como as estratégias seriam implementadas. Avalie como sua proposta maximiza os lucros.

& # 8220; Técnicas de preços & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

A partir da segunda e-Activity, propomos o novo segmento de mercado-alvo para o produto e sua estratégia de preços de acompanhamento (por exemplo, agrupamento e cupons). Forneça um racional para o motivo pelo qual você acredita que o novo mercado-alvo e a estratégia de preços seriam bem-sucedidos e o provável impacto na lucratividade da empresa. A indústria farmacêutica muitas vezes tem o luxo de implementar estratégias de preços que parecem altas para os consumidores. Tome uma posição sobre a imparcialidade da abordagem do setor para avaliar produtos farmacêuticos, incluindo a oferta de uma estratégia alternativa que possa ser mais palatável para os consumidores. Forneça uma justificativa para sua posição.

& # 8220; Contratação & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

A partir da e-Activity, propor uma metodologia para avaliar o risco em contratos de negócios. Avalie o impacto econômico que essa metodologia pode ter para a organização. Analise uma situação em que ambas as partes que participam de um contrato podem se beneficiar, economicamente ou de outra forma, da linguagem ligeiramente ambígua contida no contrato. Forneça exemplos específicos para suportar sua resposta.

& # 8220; Formulário de organização & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

Analise as potenciais quedas de qualquer esforço de equipe e faça pelo menos uma recomendação para minimizar o risco. Forneça exemplos específicos para suportar sua resposta. Avalie o formulário de organização que seria mais eficiente para minimizar o problema principal-agente. Forneça uma justificativa com sua resposta.

"Regulamento governamental" # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

A partir da e-Activity, tome uma posição sobre se é necessária mais regulamentação governamental no setor bancário. Apoie sua posição com evidências ou exemplos. Forneça um exemplo de como a regulamentação governamental é restrita ou capacitadora para uma determinada empresa, indicando o impacto na eficiência operacional da empresa. Discuta como sua resposta impacta a maximização da riqueza dos acionistas.

& # 8220; Antitruste e licenciamento & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

Imagine como as decisões gerenciais podem ser mais fáceis ou mais difíceis se não houver restrições antitruste nos EUA. Forneça um exemplo para apoiar sua resposta. A indústria de TI está cheia de patentes. Existem algumas empresas, chamadas de trolls de patentes, que compram essas patentes na esperança de ganhar dinheiro através da aplicação de patentes contra supostos infratores. Determinar o impacto da regulamentação governamental contra os trolls de patentes. Identifique quem ganha e quem perde se a regulamentação foi adotada.

Semana 10 DQ 1 & # 8220; Capital Investments & # 8221; Responda ao seguinte: Com a atual economia dos EUA enfraquecida, muitas empresas relutam em implementar quaisquer melhorias de capital ou gastos de capital com medo da incerteza econômica que pode afetar negativamente o fluxo de caixa da organização. Avalie o impacto desse comportamento na produtividade, na eficiência de custos, na diversificação de ativos ou no impacto sobre fluxos de caixa futuros que podem surgir se as empresas continuarem nessa mentalidade, indicando o risco de longo prazo para a lucratividade. Forneça um exemplo ou cenário para apoiar sua resposta. Analise os desafios que as empresas enfrentam ao entrar nos mercados globais. Identifique o impacto potencial para os orçamentos de capital ao tomar a decisão de entrar em um mercado global. Semana 10 DQ 2 & # 8220; Análise Custo-Benefício & # 8221; Responda ao seguinte: Forneça uma análise de custo-benefício para uma empresa que tenha que decidir se contrata mais funcionários ou contrata trabalhadores temporários para atender as instruções de produção. Determine como os gerentes usariam sua análise de custo-benefício para tomar essa decisão. Faça uma análise de custo-benefício para obter um diploma de pós-graduação. Avalie os custos e benefícios de curto e de longo prazo para determinar por que algumas pessoas obtêm a educação extra, enquanto outras não. Semana 11 DQs DQ 1 & # 8220; Olhando para trás & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte: Pensando em tudo que você aprendeu neste curso, discuta o conceito ou fórmula mais confusa e difícil que você encontrou, bem como o que o fez e o possível impacto de um economista não entender esse conceito ou fórmula. em absoluto. Discuta como você explicaria o que esta aula foi para um amigo seu pensando em fazer a mesma aula. DQ 2 & # 8220; Olhando para a Frente & # 8221; Responda ao seguinte: Avalie as lições aprendidas durante esta aula e determine quais serão as mais valiosas para você em sua carreira atual (ou futura). Forneça exemplos específicos para suportar sua resposta. Discuta como os conceitos abordados neste curso beneficiariam ou poderiam beneficiar alguém que não esteja planejando uma carreira em economia. Explique sua lógica.

CIS 502 Questões para Discussão Resolvidas - Um Trabalho Graduado.

Clique no link AZUL (hwmojo) abaixo para adquirir soluções.

CIS 502 Discussões com Respostas Detalhadas.

& # 8220; Gestão de riscos & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Examine a relação entre gerenciamento de riscos, políticas de segurança e contramedidas de segurança. Conclua como cada uma dessas áreas afeta as outras. Apoie sua resposta.

• Resuma os problemas de segurança comuns e emergentes e as responsabilidades de gerenciamento.

& # 8220; Força de trabalho de segurança da informação & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• De uma perspectiva gerencial, discuta os requisitos do setor e os desafios organizacionais da formação de uma política sólida de segurança da informação.

• A partir da e-Activity, avalie os diferentes tipos de avaliação de risco: avaliação de risco quantitativa, qualitativa e híbrida. Dê um exemplo de quando você usaria uma forma de avaliação de risco sobre as outras e explicaria o motivo.

& # 8220; Ataques contra o controle de acesso & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Argumente qual ataque de controle de acesso é o mais difícil de se defender. Apoie seu argumento.

• Analise os métodos de controle de acesso baseados em função e descreva como implementá-los em um banco de dados.

& # 8220; Perda de confidencialidade & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Crie um cenário no qual a autenticação de dois fatores deve ser usada e explique o motivo.

• A partir do e-Activity, identifique o setor ou organização que você escolheu para pesquisar e descrever os métodos de controle de acesso usados ​​para proteger seus ativos contra usuários não autorizados.

& # 8220; O problema de segurança no ciclo de vida de desenvolvimento de software (SDLC) & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Liste três motivos pelos quais os aplicativos de software podem incluir problemas de segurança e sugerir métodos para combater esses problemas.

• Sugira o que é necessário para criar aplicativos seguros desde os estágios iniciais do ciclo de vida do desenvolvimento.

& # 8220; Os desenvolvedores de software não são pessoas de segurança & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Devido ao uso predominante de aplicativos móveis e navegadores da Internet, muitos incidentes de segurança podem contornar medidas de segurança como firewalls, IDS, IPS, Controle de Acesso etc. Ao desenvolver software, explique o que você acredita que os desenvolvedores precisam se preocupar e como eles podem superar esses obstáculos.

• A partir do e-Activity, identifique o aplicativo que você escolheu pesquisar. Determine os problemas de segurança associados ao aplicativo e especule as implicações futuras desses problemas.

& # 8220; Planejamento de continuidade de negócios e planejamento de recuperação de desastres & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Analise os planos de continuidade de negócios e recuperação de desastres e descreva três maneiras pelas quais eles são semelhantes e três maneiras pelas quais eles são diferentes.

• Analise a maneira pela qual as organizações lidam com desastres. Determine os fatores que fazem uma organização declarar um desastre e discuta como um desastre é declarado.

& # 8220; Diferentes tipos de planos de contingência & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Avalie os sites espelho, quente, quente e frio em relação ao planejamento de recuperação de desastre e determine as vantagens e desvantagens de cada um com relação aos objetivos de tempo de recuperação (Recovery Time Objectives - RTO) e objetivos de ponto de recuperação (RPO).

• Na e-Activity, diferencie os planos de continuidade de negócios e recuperação de desastre da empresa e explique por que eles são semelhantes e diferentes.

& # 8220; Aplicações de Criptografia & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Ao aplicar a criptografia, determine por que proteger a chave é mais importante do que proteger o texto simples ou o texto cifrado. Explique isso em termos de quantas mensagens seriam comprometidas se a chave não for segura.

• Avalie as tecnologias de criptografia simétrica e assimétrica. Discuta as vantagens e desvantagens de cada um e conclua porque usamos ambos. Dê um exemplo para apoiar sua resposta.

Criptoanálise & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Examine a importância da criptoanálise. Escolha um método de ataque criptoanalítico e descreva o método e os pontos fortes e fracos inerentes do método escolhido.

• No e-Activity, examine a questão da segurança de e-mail e descreva como usar a criptografia para manter a segurança de e-mail.

& # 8220; Crime de computador e análise forense & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Forneça dois exemplos para distinguir a diferença entre o que é considerado um crime de computador e o que não é. Hipotise porque uma pessoa pode cometer um crime de computador.

• Avalie procedimentos e técnicas de análise forense computacional e descreva uma metodologia de análise forense que você conduziria quando um caso forense fosse relatado.

& # 8220; Resposta a Incidentes e Compliance & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Dê um exemplo de um recente incidente de segurança bem conhecido e sugira os procedimentos de resposta a incidentes que a organização seguiu ou deveria ter seguido para mitigar o risco em relação ao exemplo citado.

• A partir da e-Activity, decida se a legislação e os regulamentos tiveram o impacto pretendido sobre as questões legais e éticas inerentes à segurança da informação. Cite todas as fontes.

& # 8220; Operações de segurança & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Imagine que você é o CISO de uma grande organização que altera seus ativos, aplicativos e configurações dinamicamente. A organização está em um modelo reativo constante ao responder a incidentes de segurança. Explique quais benefícios seriam obtidos se os processos contínuos de monitoramento e gerenciamento de riscos estiverem em funcionamento e operacionais.

• Recomendar e descrever os procedimentos de gerenciamento de vulnerabilidades que você acredita que devem estar em vigor para uma pequena empresa de finanças que tenha dois sites remotos conectados com uma conexão de rede privada virtual.

& # 8220; Alteração e gerenciamento de configuração & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Imagine que você é o CISO de uma grande organização. Analise o gerenciamento de alterações e configurações e explique por que isso é importante em relação às operações de computador. Justifique sua resposta incluindo dois exemplos de alterações introduzidas nas redes.

• A partir do e-Activity, avalie as políticas de segurança da organização a partir de suas descobertas e faça uma sugestão para melhorar pelo menos uma dessas políticas. Apoie sua resposta e cite todas as fontes.

& # 8220; Segurança física & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• A partir do e-Activity, identifique três medidas de segurança física que a organização usa para proteger os ativos da organização. Explique como a segurança física adiciona proteção à defesa em profundidade.

• Imagine que uma empresa financeira local apenas expandiu suas operações em cinco filiais conectadas por uma conexão de rede de banda larga. A empresa expandiu-se rapidamente devido à demanda dos clientes e não implementou nenhuma medida de segurança. Diferencie a segurança física da segurança lógica e recomende uma lista de medidas de segurança para a empresa financeira local. Justifique cada medida de segurança que você recomenda.

& # 8220; Segurança do ambiente & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Imagine que você é o CISO de uma pequena empresa que passou por incidentes de incêndio na sala de computadores e perdeu vários ativos importantes no computador. Determine as medidas de segurança ambiental que você recomendaria. Justifique sua resposta.

• A partir da e-Activity, avalie a eficácia das medidas de segurança física e ambiental usadas pela organização que você pesquisou para proteger os ativos da organização. Cite todas as fontes.

& # 8220; Arquitetura e design de segurança & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Avaliar, de uma perspectiva de gestão, os diferentes tipos de modelos de segurança e suas implicações para proteger os ativos da organização. Identifique o modelo que você acredita ser o mais versátil e descreva o motivo.

• Escolha um tipo de arquitetura de segurança e descreva o que ele protege em termos de confidencialidade, integridade, disponibilidade, autenticidade, não-repúdio, identificação ou autorização.

& # 8220; Aplicações de arquitetura de segurança & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Recomende uma arquitetura de segurança que seja a mais apropriada para um pequeno hospital médico que lide com os sistemas de registro de pacientes e precise proteger as informações pessoalmente identificáveis ​​(PII) e cumprir a Lei de Portabilidade e Responsabilidade de Seguro Saúde (HIPPA). Justifique sua recomendação.

• A partir do e-Activity, identifique o setor no qual cada modelo de segurança seria mais adequado e por quê. Certifique-se de identificar os modelos de segurança de suas descobertas e cite todas as fontes.

& # 8220; Tecnologias de telecomunicações & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Imagine que você é um CISO de uma empresa de capital aberto e preocupado com a segurança ao enviar qualquer tráfego de mensagens pela Internet para seus sites remotos. Determine as medidas de segurança que você consideraria implementar para reduzir os riscos de segurança ao enviar tráfego de mensagens pela Internet. Explique seu raciocínio.

• Sugira dispositivos ou configurações de segurança que devem ser empregados para reduzir os riscos existentes nas telecomunicações. Apoie sua resposta.

& # 8220; Segurança de rede & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Examine o conceito de defesa em profundidade de uma pequena agência governamental que se mudou recentemente para um novo prédio. Explique quais tipos de medidas de segurança de rede você recomendaria para proteger essa agência. Faça uma lista de suposições para apoiar seu raciocínio.

• No e-Activity, escolha a tecnologia emergente que você acha que terá o maior impacto na segurança de telecomunicações e de rede e explique o motivo.

& # 8220; Conclusão do curso & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Você acabou de completar 10 semanas de um curso de gerenciamento de segurança. Imagine que você tenha sido solicitado a criar um curso de treinamento de um dia destacando os elementos importantes do que você acabou de aprender nas últimas 10 semanas.

o Crie uma hierarquia de cinco (nem mais nem menos) dos tópicos mais importantes que você acredita que precisam ser abordados neste curso de um dia que melhor se encaixa no título do curso de “Teorias da Gestão da Segurança: Os Princípios Apresentados em Um Dia” . ”Dê uma justificativa detalhada para cada um dos cinco tópicos.

& # 8220; resumo do curso & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Usando 140 caracteres ou menos (a duração de um Tweet), resuma a importância dessa classe para alguém que não esteja familiarizado com os conceitos.

• Discuta como você pode aplicar os resultados de aprendizado deste curso à sua vida profissional e pessoal.

CIS 499 Questões para discussão Resolvidas Semana 1-11 - Um Graduado.

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CIS 499 Questões para discussão com respostas detalhadas.

CIS 499 Discussões.

Semana 1 Discussão 1.

& # 8220; Megatrends & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Avalie a megatendência de dados demográficos no campo de TI. Dê sua opinião a respeito de por que os gerentes de TI devem entender essa megatendência ao selecionar talentos para cargos organizacionais.

• Especular por que a megatendência de dados demográficos pode afetar o desenvolvimento de produtos de TI em todo o mundo, especialmente em países com populações envelhecidas.

Semana 1 Discussão 2.

& # 8220; Habilidades de TI & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Embora seja entendido que o CIO deve dar o exemplo para a organização de TI, determine as três principais coisas que o chefe de TI deve fazer para melhorar as habilidades da equipe de TI.

• Ter pessoal com os conjuntos de habilidades apropriados é imensamente importante para a realização dos objetivos corporativos. Listar e apoiar três práticas recomendadas para atender às futuras necessidades organizacionais.

Semana 2 Discussão 1.

& # 8220; Modelos de difusão de TI & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Revise os modelos de difusão de TI, selecione dois modelos, compare e compare como esses modelos facilitariam uma empresa no país e setor de negócios de sua escolha. Não se esqueça de indicar seu setor de negócios. Em seguida, explique como os modelos de difusão de TI podem afetá-lo.

• Descrever o processo de como um gerente sênior que não é de TI chegaria à decisão de dar suporte a um modelo de difusão de TI em detrimento de outro. Listar os fatores que devem ser considerados. Determine qual modelo você escolheria e explique por quê.

Semana 2 Discussão 2.

& # 8220; Alinhamento estratégico & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Avaliar as abordagens dos executivos da empresa para alinhar uma organização para crescimento e sucesso futuros. Dê sua opinião sobre a credibilidade de cada abordagem.

• Discuta abordagens adicionais não mencionadas no livro didático que possam ser justificadas no alinhamento de uma organização para o crescimento e sucesso futuros. Explique sua resposta.

Semana 3 Discussão 1.

& # 8220; estratégias de TI & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Refletir sobre as estratégias de TI usadas para incentivar o desenvolvimento econômico. Selecione duas estratégias e discuta como os fatores econômicos afetam as estratégias que um governo pode usar para facilitar o desenvolvimento econômico.

• Escolha as estratégias que parecem complementares e podem ser implementadas simultaneamente. Justifique sua resposta.

Semana 3 Discussão 2.

& # 8220; Metodologia da Estratégia & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Usando o processo de três etapas para avaliar a organização de TI, determine o impacto dos fatores econômicos no nível corporativo para cada etapa.

• Dê sua opinião sobre qual elemento crítico da estratégia (pessoas, processos ou tecnologia) é o mais importante. Justifique sua resposta.

Semana 4 Discussão 1.

& # 8220; Padrões de comportamento & # 8221; Por favor, responda ao seguinte:

• Avalie os padrões de comportamento dos primeiros adaptadores versus seguidores. Determine o padrão de comportamento que leva a uma vantagem competitiva. Justify your response.

• Give your opinion as to whether “Heat Seekers” and “Followers” could coexist within the same organization. State the negatives and positives associated with both patterns of behavior.

Week 4 Discussion 2.

“Getting to Know the Industry” Please respond to the following:

• Getting to know the industry in which a company operates is a critical factor for leveraging information systems and gaining a competitive advantage. Speculate as to how information systems can be leveraged in a particular industry. Analyze how time of entry, industry trends, corporate culture, and other factors affect competitive advantage. Explique sua resposta.

• Evaluate the competitive applications of technology. List and describe three applications and how these can be applied to the information systems industry.

Semana 5 Discussão 1.

“ITPM Best Practices” Please respond to the following:

• Explain how ITPM best practices can align the IT portfolio with business requirements in order to create the greatest possible value for the organization.

• Assess the systems development life-cycle (SDLC) and explain how the life cycle, when executed properly, can maximize business value. Note: All stakeholders point of view should be considered.

Week 5 Discussion 2.

“Service Delivery Models” Please respond to the following:

• Evaluate the service delivery models. Select the options that, in your opinion, are most efficient together regardless of industry. Additionally, select the models that work best in particular industries. Justify your response.

• Determine how a company’s selection of a Service Delivery Model could impact business value. Provide an example to justify your response.

Week 6 Discussion 1.

“The New Beginning and Prototyping” Please respond to the following:

• Give your opinion on what Thomas L. Friedman is referring to with the words, “Now the real IT revolution is about to begin.” Discuss how the beginning, referred to by Friedman, is different from the last couple of decades.

• Evaluate prototyping as a technique for gathering quality business requirements. Determine the approach to prototyping that would be better suited for emerging technology projects. Determine if a combination of prototyping approaches would be more efficient. Explique sua resposta.

Week 6 Discussion 2.

“Risk Management” Please respond to the following:

• Determine why project risk management is a key component to bringing a project to a successful conclusion. Include an example to support your answer.

• Reflecting upon your example, describe the relationship between project risk management and cost estimation.

Week 7 Discussion 1.

“Expertise as a Factor” Please respond to the following:

• Discuss how the expertise of the practitioners and researchers (computer scientists, engineers, mathematicians) may affect IS integration.

• Select three issues from the “Issues That Make Forecasting the Future Difficult for Industries and Governments” from Chapter 7 of the Cortada textbook. Then, describe how each could impact integration.

Week 7 Discussion 2.

“Project Quality and Compliance” Please respond to the following:

• List three aspects of managing project quality that should always be considered to achieve project success. Provide a rationale for your selection.

• Evaluate regulatory, procedural / policy, and security compliance outlined in Chapter 20 of the Lane textbook. Choose one category and then describe the relationship that exists between adherence and successful project integration.

Week 8 Discussion 1.

“Outsourcing” Please respond to the following:

• Evaluate the reasons to outsource goods, services, or production. Considering today’s business climate, give your opinion on the most logical reason to outsource.

• From the e-Activity, list three valid reasons why a company would pursue onshoring or insourcing. Include an example to justify your response.

Week 8 Discussion 2.

“Scoring System” Please respond to the following:

• Imagine you have been tasked to select a scoring system to rank each project in consideration in IT portfolio management. Review each ranking option and then select the one you believe is the most efficient for ranking each proposed project. Provide a rationale for your selection.

• Identify other considerations that would be of value in ranking a project, and explain why you believe they are valuable.

Week 9 Discussion 1.

“The World Is Flat” Please respond to the following:

• In 2006, Thomas Friedman authored a book entitled, The World Is Flat. Since that time many people have adopted a global perspective to business. Determine the security concerns that are raised by the flattening of the technological landscape. Explique sua resposta.

• ist and explain three ethical concerns that may be argued from this flattening of the technological landscape.

Week 9 Discussion 2.

“Ethics and Security” Please respond to the following:

• Organizational end users are generally in the background when it comes to protecting the IT infrastructure. As the chief security officer (CSO), develop a security awareness training communication plan for these users. Your plan must be in nontechnical terms to the user population that incorporates the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the organization’s information assets.

• Give your opinion as to whether ethics training and security training should be conducted together within an organization. Explique sua resposta.

Week 10 Discussion 1.

“Value” Please respond to the following:

• Assess BCP as a process that adds business value. Give your opinion on whether or not the argument that states BCP adds value is a credible argument. Explain why or why not.

• Speculate the strategic values that could be realized by having an effective BCP. Provide a rationale for your answer.

Week 10 Discussion 2.

“Cloud Computing” Please respond to the following:

• Evaluate the benefits of cloud computing for modern and legacy organizations looking to migrate to the cloud. Support the use of cloud computing as a viable option within an organizational business continuity strategy.

• Identify the drawbacks for using cloud computing in your BCP. Determine the strategies you would use to mitigate the drawbacks if you were the IT manager in charge of the decision. Provide a rationale for your answer.

Week 11 Discussion 1.

“Course Summation” Please respond to the following:

• Describe the most important piece of knowledge that you gained during this course.

• Discuss ways you plan to apply what you learned in this course in your current or future position.

Week 11 Discussion 2.

“Role of CIO” Please respond to the following:

• The role of CIO is the most influential capacity in the IT organization. Identify what you believe are the most important characteristics and qualities of successful CIOs.

• Of the characteristics and qualities you identified above, reflect on those you have and those you still need to acquire in your professional career.

BUS 519 Discussion Questions Week 1-11 Solved.

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“What is Risk?” Please respond to the following:

Risk concerns both positive and negative aspects of an event. Analyze why it is important to consider both perspectives when addressing risk for an organization. Include an example to support your response. Evaluate how threats and opportunities can be used to an organization’s advantage when developing the risk management plan. Argue the value of having a risk strategy despite the cost associated with it. Include an example to support your response.

“Planning for Risk” Please respond to the following:

There are three schools of thought regarding risk. The first considers the positive and negative aspects of risk, but sees them as separate. The second group believes that there are benefits from treating threats and opportunities together, while the third school does not label uncertainties, but addresses uncertainty as part of “doing the job.” Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Respond to another student’s post (ground students will discuss their positions). Choose a project with risks and select one approach from Part 1 of this discussion for the project you chose. Provide a rationale for your selection and determine how this approach helps the project to be successful. Be sure to identify the project you have selected.

“Need for Risk Management” Please respond to the following:

Analyze why it is important to address risk through the entire project life cycle. Identify three possible negative results that can occur if an organization fails to address risk in different phases of the project life cycle. Determine three obstacles for an organization to manage risk effectively. Suggest strategies from the perspective of a project manager to avoid the obstacles.

“Critical Success Factors” Please respond to the following:

There are four critical success factors that are important for effective risk management: supportive organization; competent people; appropriate methods, tools and techniques; and simple, scalable process. Predict the outcome of a project if any of these critical success factors is absent for a project. Support your predictions. Recommend how you would approach the stakeholders of the project and persuade them that the missing critical success factor(s) must be addressed in order to maximize a successful project. Support your response.

“Project Initiation” Please respond to the following:

One of the most important aspects of managing risk for a project is to accurately define the size of the project. Determine the criteria that must be considered to perform the project sizing and create one additional factor with rationale. Suppose the size of the project was not determined correctly and a large, complex project was defined as a medium project instead. Predict the outcome of the risk management process within this organization. Include examples (i. e., the incorrect schedule of the risk management review, incorrect schedule of quantitative assessments) to support your prediction.

“Stakeholder Analysis” Please respond to the following:

Using the “Stakeholder Analysis Template” (Appendix B2 in the Hillson and Simon text) for a company that you currently work for or you are familiar with, determine the key stakeholders and categorize them by their attitude, power, and interest dimensions. Justify the categorization for each stakeholder and post the completed appendix for the class to see. Analyze how stakeholder analysis affects the overall project risk management within an organization. Include an example to support your response.

“Identifying and Mitigating Risks” Please respond to the following:

Imagine you are considering opening a specialty pet store in your area. Create a list of the five most significant risks that you must address prior to making your decision regarding the viability of your venture. Justify the risks. Speculate how you would mitigate each risk identified in Part 1 of this discussion; determine the tools and methodologies you would choose to mitigate them.

“Defining Risks” Please respond to the following:

Imagine you have addressed the risks identified in Discussion 1. Now you have decided to proceed with your plan to open the pet store. Determine your potential stakeholders in the venture and analyze how they affect your risk management plan. Determine the strategies to bring this group of people together and convince them that you have a winning idea for your business. Support your response.

“Risk Perception” Please respond to the following:

Imagine an organization decides to hire an outside vendor to produce products instead of manufacturing them in house. Using the information presented in “Common Influences on Risk Perception” Figure 6-3 (Hillson and Simon text), determine the conscious factors, subconscious factors, and affective factors for this project. Analyze how awareness of those factors influences the decision of hiring outside vendor. In addition, analyze how those factors help improve the overall facilitation and effectiveness of the risk management. Determine what is important to consider when making the announcement to the affected employees. Speculate on how you would address the issues and or concerns of the impacted employees.

“Risk Responsibility” Please respond to the following:

It is important to identify responsible individuals to be risk owners. Imagine you have identified the highest risk for your project and you plan to assign responsibilities to an individual. Compose a list of at least eight questions that you would want to have the individual answer satisfactorily before you assign the responsibilities. Provide a rationale for the creation of your list. Determine the feedback you would want from this individual to ensure that you choose the right risk owner for the highest risk identified from Part 1 of this discussion. Support your response.

“Possible Risk Impacts” Please respond to the following:

Using Table 5.4 Possible Risk Impacts, (Chapter 5 of the Heldman text), select the top-three most critical risks regardless of the size or scope of a project. Justify your selection. Suggest strategies for the project manager to address each type of the risks selected in Part 1 of this discussion. Support your suggestion.

“Quantitative Risk Analysis” Please respond to the following:

After reviewing the Monte Carlo Analysis method presented in Chapter 15 of the Hillson and Simon text, justify why a project manager would request the use of this methodology for a large, complex project. Include an example to support your response. When an organization cannot justify the use of a method such as Monte Carlo, recommend an alternative tool that would allow the project manager to make informed decisions. Provide a rationale for your recommendation.

“Response Strategies” Please respond to the following:

After a risk workshop has been completed, risk interviews are often completed with subject matter experts. Assess the value of the interviews to identify risk response strategies. Provide one example of a subject area you would expect to be addressed in the interview and explain why. Give your opinion as to why it is important to work high-priority opportunities prior to working high-priority threats. Analyze how those opportunities help you with the rest of your risk mitigation strategies for a project.

“Planning for Unknowns” Please respond to the following:

Evaluate your project management options in terms of schedule, performance, and cost for the following scenario. Support your evaluation.

An office building construction project is 80% complete in the southern Virginia area, when a major hurricane strikes, and stops progress on the worksite for 10 days while damage is assessed and repairs are completed. The project has a fixed budget and a completion date that cannot be moved any further to the right.

From Part 1 of the ‘Planning for Unknowns” discussion, analyze how your strategy would be different if you had a contingency reserve budget, but still could not change the project completion date. Support your analysis.

“Ongoing Risk Management” Please respond to the following:

Analyze why it is important to constantly monitor active risks, while continuing to identify new risks. Include an example to support your response. In many risk programs, risks are managed individually. However, a robust risk program considers the cumulative effect of all risks. Assess the following scenario to identify the effect of multiple events on a risk management strategy:

When the Titanic struck the iceberg, the weather was bad, the lookouts were not properly equipped, the radio operator was not monitoring other ship traffic in the area, and the ship design had a major flaw in the construction of the hull’s “watertight” compartments.

“Risk Review Process” Please respond to the following:

Identify the use of major and minor reviews during a project’s life cycle, and determine which project factors (e. g., size, complexity, budget, schedule, human resources) would aid in the determination of the use of the reviews. Support your position(s). Select which types of stakeholders should attend major reviews and which types of stakeholders should attend minor reviews. Justify your selection. Discuss how the stakeholder groups affect the review types.

“Post-Project Review” Please respond to the following:

Assess the importance of completing post-project reviews, and determine what project documentation must be updated as a result of the review meeting. Discuss the risks associated with failing to complete the documentation to the organization. Discuss how this should be handled when not completed from a managerial perspective. Identify the benefits of a complete risk register for a subsequent phase of a project. Speculate on the consequence of project management without a complete risk register. Include an example to support your response.

“Small-Project Application” Please respond to the following:

Compare and contrast the differences in the ATOM methodology for large versus small projects. Analyze why it is important to address these differences when preparing the initial project plan. Analyze the impact on the budget and other project resources if a tailored process for a small project is not employed. Include an example or scenario to support your response.

“ATOM for Large Projects” Please respond to the following:

Debate whether or not the cost of utilizing ATOM for large projects is justified when an organization has limited resources to dedicate to risk management efforts. Provide a description that you would present to your managers to persuade them to see matters your way. Select a fortune 500 company and propose how to use each step of the ATOM process for a project to implement a new human resources management system for the company.

“Project Lessons Learned” Please respond to the following:

Using Figure 16-2, “Sources of Risks at the Program Level” from the Hillson and Simon text as the basis for your discussion, provide three reasons why it would be appropriate to address risks at all levels in the organization. As the ATOM methodology has been presented in this course, its usefulness has been demonstrated for an individual project. Analyze whether or not changes would be necessary to use the ATOM methodology to manage risk for a program versus for an individual project. Include an example to support your analysis.

“Methodology Comparasion” Please respond to the following:

From the e-Activity, choose one project risk management methodology (not ATOM), compare and contrast the steps of the methodology you chose with ATOM. Provide an example of how each methodology is clearly used. Determine if you would choose ATOM as the most significant methodology for all of your project risk management. Justify whether or not you would replace the one you researched with ATOM. Support your response.

“Course Lessons Learned” Please respond to the following:

Identify three concepts that you have learned in this course that will be useful for project work in your current organization. Explain how you would justify the use of the three concepts identified to other members of your organization.

Swedish Massage Diploma Course.

Online study Tutor support No time limit for completing your course 150 hours of study.

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Swedish Massage Diploma Course.

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O que você vai aprender?

Massage is a very powerful tool in assisting the body to balance itself. Through the skilful application of tools and techniques, knowledge of the human body, a relaxing environment, and taking the time to engage in explorative consultation, a therapist can provide safe, effective massage that provides an exceptional boost to wellness. The Swedish Massage Diploma Course shows you how.

The course covers all the basic anatomy and physiology knowledge that you need in order to understand how the body works and to tailor treatments to suit your client, including the form and function of the skin, musculature, skeletal and organ systems. You will be guided.

O que você vai aprender?

Massage is a very powerful tool in assisting the body to balance itself. Through the skilful application of tools and techniques, knowledge of the human body, a relaxing environment, and taking the time to engage in explorative consultation, a therapist can provide safe, effective massage that provides an exceptional boost to wellness. The Swedish Massage Diploma Course shows you how.

The course covers all the basic anatomy and physiology knowledge that you need in order to understand how the body works and to tailor treatments to suit your client, including the form and function of the skin, musculature, skeletal and organ systems. You will be guided through the beneficial effects various massage techniques have on the body and how to perform them. Additionally, you’ll explore the individual advantages and disadvantages of using oil, powder, lotions, creams, and balms in your massages, giving you an understanding of what will work for particular clients.

Getting to know your client is important so that you can provide the best treatment for them. The Swedish Massage Diploma Course talks you through the information you need to gather before you commence treatment – exploring what they want to gain from the treatment and ensuring that you are aware of any contraindications or contra-actions they may have so that you can advise your client accordingly or tailor your treatment appropriately. You’ll also learn about relevant legislation that affects a massage therapist, making sure that both yourself and your clients know and understand your legal duties and rights.

Of course, you will not just learn the theory but the practical aspect of Swedish massage. You’ll be guided through a suggested massage routine that uses your newly-acquired knowledge and puts it to practical use. You’ll learn how to set up your therapy room and massage couch to ensure your clients’ comfort, enhance their experience, and make them feel instantly at ease as they walk through the door. The aftercare advice you should provide to clients is also covered, making them aware of any aftereffects they may experience and give them total confidence in your position as a professional.

Massage can place enormous strain on a therapist’s body, through the Swedish Massage Diploma Course you learn will learn effective self-care techniques and hand exercises that will ensure your long and healthy career as a massage therapist.

Getting your business off the ground and customers through the door can be an exhilarating but daunting task. This course provides quick-fire hints, tips, and ideas that will help you to promote your business cheaply and effectively.

Syllabus do curso.

What will I learn on the course?

Who Would Benefit from This Course?

With comprehensive materials, the Swedish Massage Diploma Course takes you from complete beginner to practising therapist. You’ll learn it all, from the theoretical to the practical and everything in-between. Those already working in the relaxation and holistic therapy industries who wish to expand their skillset will also learn a lot.

Those looking to apply Swedish massage to their friends, family or partner will also enjoy the course’s modular approach that makes learning easy to consume and simple to follow.


The Swedish Massage Diploma Course will take you up to 150 hours to complete working from home. There is no time limit for completing this course, it can be studied in your own time at your own pace. This is a Level 3 course and will give you 150 CPD (Continued Professional Development) points.

This course is registered with the CMA (Complementary Medical Association), which is internationally recognised as the elite force in professional, ethical complementary medicine by professional practitioners, doctors and, increasingly, by the general public. Upon completion of the course you can gain membership to the CMA, which in addition to supplying a professional accreditation, offers a number of benefits, all of which can be found here.

This course is certified by the IAHT (International Alliance of Holistic Therapists), the IAHT is an internationally recognised organisation. The IAHT certify personal development, health, fitness and nutrition courses.

Upon completion of your course assessments, you will receive 3 certificates. An accredited certificate from the awarding body relating to your course, a CPD certificate displaying the number of CPD points earned from the course and a certified Diploma certificate from the Centre of Excellence.

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Ten tips for buy-to-let: the essential advice for property investors.

By Simon Lambert for Thisismoney. co. uk 14:12 GMT 15 Jan 2015, updated 11:18 GMT 19 Sep 2017.

Buy-to-let has come under the cosh recently from a tax crackdown but many still see property as an attractive investment at a time of low interest rates.

Tax changes mean extra stamp duty on purchasing a buy-to-let and the end of the ability to offset all buy-to-let mortgage interest against income tax.

The former bumps up entry costs, while the latter will eat into many investors' returns on rent. But buy-to-let can still pay off. If you do want to invest in buy-to-let - or improve returns on a property you already own as a landlord - its vital to do things right.

Here are This is Money's top ten buy-to-let tips - your essential guide to property investing and being a good landlord.

As an income investment for those with enough money to raise a big deposit buy-to-let looks attractive, especially compared to low savings rates and stock market swings.

Meanwhile, the property market bouncing back has encouraged more investors to snap up property in the hope of its value rising.

Mortgage rates at record lows are helping buy-to-let investors make deals stack up.

But beware low rates. One day they must rise and you need to know your investment can stand that test.

There is also a tax rise being put in place, as buy-to-let mortgage interest relief is axed and replaced with a 20 per cent tax credit.

Additionally, since April 2016 landlords now have to pay an extra 3% stamp duty on property purchases.

Recent history provides an important lesson in how returns can be hit. Many buy-to-let investors who bought in the boom years before 2007 struggled as mortgage rates rose. A sizeable number were thrown a lifeline when the base rate was slashed to 0.5 per cent. Rates stuck there until this summer and then were cut again after Brexit, but remember they will rise again.

About Ten tips for buy-to-let.

This guide has been helping landlords make the right decision for more than a decade.

It is regularly updated with new information and designed to help you assess buy-to-let properly.

It's also worth noting that the Bank of England has buy-to-let mortgages in its sights.

Yet despite the tax changes and potential for buy-to-let mortgage costs to rise, there are positives. Greater demand from tenants, rents that should rise with inflation and the long horizon for interest rate rises, mean many investors are still tempted by buy-to-let.

If you are planning on investing, or just want to know more, we tell you the ten essential things to consider for a successful buy-to-let investment below.

Like any investment, buy-to-let comes with no guarantees, but for those who have more faith in bricks and mortar than stocks and shares below are This is Money's top ten tips.

The best buy-to-let mortgages.

The cheapest buy-to-let mortgage rates are on two year fixes and for those with a big deposit they are as low as 1.28 per cent from bank of Ireland, 1.33 per cent from Post Office Money, or 1.34 per cent from Platform.

A five-year fix may be a more sensible plan for many landlords, however, and the keenest rates here are Accord and The Mortgage Works pair of 2.14 per cent deals and Platform's 2.19 per cent deals.

Beware big fees though, the deals mentioned above come with charges ranging between about £1,700 and £2,500.

When it comes to getting a buy-to-let mortgage, a good broker will be a great help and can point you towards deals you will actually secure.

To compare the best deal for your circumstances use our buy-to-let mortgage finder tool powered by broker London & País.

The buy-to-let mortgage you will be offered depends on your circumstances and the lender's criteria. ideally, they prefer bigger deposits, strong rent to mortgage payments cover and healthy earnings elsewhere.

1. Research the market on buy-to-let.

If you are new to buy-to-let, what do you know about the market? Do you know the risks, as well as the benefits.

Make sure buy-to-let is the investment you want. Your money might be able to perform better elsewhere.

In recent years a high-rate savings account would beat most investments. Now rates are lower, but investing in buy-to-let means tying up capital in a property that may fall in value.

This compares to the possibility of a 5% annual return from an income-based investment fund, or 3 per cent on a fixed rate savings account.

Remember that the return from an investment in funds, shares or an investment trust through an Isa will see you escape tax on income and get capital growth tax free. You will also have the ability to sell up quickly if you want.

The flipside is that you cannot buy an unloved investment fund and set about renovating it and adding value yourself.

Investing in buy-to-let involves committing tens of thousands of pounds to a property and typically taking out a mortgage. When house prices rise, this means it is possible to make big leveraged gains above your mortgage debt, but when they fall your deposit gets hit and the mortgage stays the same.

Property investing has paid off handsomely for many people, both in terms of income and capital gains but it is essential that you go into it with your eyes wide open, acknowledging the potential advantages and disadvantages.

If you know someone who has invested in buy-to-let or let a property before, ask them about their experiences - warts and all.

The more knowledge you have and the more research you do, the better the chance of your investment paying off.

2. Choose a promising area to invest in property.

Promising does not mean most expensive or cheapest. Promising means a place where people would like to live and this can be for a variety of reasons.

Where in your town has a special appeal? If you are in a commuter belt, where has good transport? Where are the good schools for young families? Where do the students want to live?

You need to match the kind of property you can afford and want to buy with locations that people who would want to live in those homes would choose.

These questions might sound overly simplistic, but they are probably the most important aspect of a successful buy-to-let investment.

In most cases people tend to invest in property close to where they live. On the plus side, they are likely to know this market better than anywhere else and can spot the kind of property and location that will do well. They also have a much better chance of keeping tabs on the property.

Yet it is also worth bearing in mind that if you are a homeowner then you are already exposed to property where you live - and looking for a different type of home in a different area might be a good move.

3. Do the maths on your buy-to-let.

Before you think about looking around properties sit down with a pen and paper and write down the cost of houses you are looking at and the rent you are likely to get.

Buy-to-let lenders typically want rent to cover 125% of the mortgage repayments and many now demanding 25% deposits, or even larger, for rates considerably above residential mortgage deals.

Some now want more, as a crackdown on mortgages hits and tax benefits are due to be eaten into.

The best rate buy-to-let mortgages also come with large arrangement fees.

Once you have the mortgage rate and likely rent sorted then you must be clinical in deciding whether your investment work out?

Don't forget to factor in maintenance costs.

What will happen if the property sits empty for a month or two?

These are all things to consider. Make sure you know how much the mortgage repayments will be and if it is a tracker allow for rates to rise.

4. Shop around and get the best buy-to-let mortgage.

Do not just walk into your bank and building society and ask for a mortgage. It sounds obvious, but people who do this when they need a financial product are one of the reasons why banks make billions in profit.

Read This is Money's buy-to-let section for details of latest buy-to-let mortgage deals highlighted and check lenders' websites, Skipton BS, BM Solutions, NatWest, Woolwich, Coventry BS, Platform (part of Co-op Bank) and Accord (part of Yorkshire BS) have been consistent in recent years.

It pays to speak to a good independent broker when looking for a buy-to-let mortgage. They can not only talk you through what deals are available but they can also help you weigh up which one is right for you and whether to fix or track.

You should still do your own research though, so that you can go into the conversation armed with the knowledge of what sort of mortgages you should be offered.

This is Money's carefully chosen mortgage broker partner London & Country offers fee-free advice, you can find out more and use our comparison tool to find the best buy-to-let mortgage for you here.

5. Think about your target tenant.

Instead of imagining whether you would like to live in your investment property, put yourself in the shoes of your target tenant.

Who are they and what do they want? If they are students, it needs to be easy to clean and comfortable but not luxurious.

If they are young professionals it should be modern and stylish but not overbearing.

If it is a family they will have plenty of their own belongings and need a blank canvas.

Remember that allowing tenants to make their mark on a property, such as by decorating, or adding pictures, or you taking out unwanted furniture makes it feel more like home.

These tenants will stay for longer, which is great news for a landlord.

It is also possible to take out an insurance policy against your tenant failing to pay the rent, usually known as rent guarantee insurance. This can cost as little as £50, and is available as a standalone product from a specialist provider, or as part of a wider landlord insurance policy.

6. Don't be over ambitious - go for rental yield and remember costs.

We have all read the stories about buy-to-let millionaires and their huge portfolios.

But while you may expect long-term house price rises, experts say invest for income not short-term capital growth.

To compare different property's values use their yield: that is annual rent received as a percentage of the purchase price.

For example, a property delivering £10,000 worth of rent that costs £200,000 has a 5% yield.

Rent should be the key return for buy-to-let.


Remember, if you are buying with a mortgage, rent-to-property price yield will not be the return you get.

To work out your annual return on investment subtract your annual mortgage cost from your annual rent and then work this sum out as a percentage of the deposit you put down.

For a £100,000 property that could rent for £500 per month, you would need a £25k deposit and roughly £2,000 in buying costs.

£75k mortgage at 5% interest rate = £312.50.

£500 rental income x 12 = £6,000.

Deposit + buying costs = £27k.

Annual return = 8.3%

Don't forget tax, maintenance costs and other landlord expenses will eat into that return.

Most buy-to-let mortgages are done on an interest-only basis, so the amount borrowed will not be paid off over time.

This is tax efficient, as you can offset mortgage payments against your tax bill.

If you can get a rental return substantially over the mortgage payments, then once you have built up a good emergency fund, you can start saving or investing any extra cash.

Remember though, people rarely buy a home outright and they come with running costs, so mortgage costs, maintenance and agents fees must be worked out and they will eat into your return.

You may want to consider whether buy-to-let still beats an investment fund or trust once these costs are taken into account.

Once mortgage, costs and tax are considered, you will want the rent to build up over time and then potentially be able to use it as a deposit for further investments, or to pay off the mortgage at the end of its term.

This means you will have benefited from the income from rent, paid off the mortgage and hold the property's full capital value.

7. Consider looking further afield or doing a property up.

Most buy-to-let investors look for properties near where they live.

But your town may not be the best investment.

The advantage of a property close by is being able to keep an eye on it, but if you will be employing an agent anyway they should do that for you.

Cast your net wider and look at towns with good commuting links, that are popular with familes or have a sizeable university.

It is also worth looking at properties that need improvement as a way of boosting the value of your investment. Tired properties or those in need of renovation can be negotiated hard on to get at a better price and then spruced up to add value.

This is one way that it is still possible to see a solid and swift return on your capital invested. If you can add some value to a home straight away then it gives you a greater margin of safety on your investment.

However, remember to ensure that the price is low enough to cover refurbishment and some profit and that you allow for the inevitable over-run on costs.

A good rule to follow is the property developers' rough calculation, whereby you want the final value of a refurbished property to be at least the purchase price, plus cost of work, plus 20 per cent.

8. Haggle over price when investing in a property.

As a buy-to-let investor you have the same advantage as a first-time buyer when it comes to negotiating a discount.

If you are not reliant on selling a property to buy another, then you are not part of a chain and represent less of a risk of a sale falling through.

This can be a major asset when negotiating a discount. Make low offers and do not get talked into overpaying.

It pays to know your market when negotiating. For example, if the market is softer and homes are taking longer to sell you will be better able to negotiate. It is also useful to find out why someone is selling and how long they have owned the property.

An existing landlord who has owned a property for a long time - and is cashing in their capital gains - may be more willing to accept a lower offer for a quick sale than a family that needs the best possible price in order to afford a move.

9. Know the pitfalls of buy-to-let.

Before you make any investment you should always investigate the negative aspects as well as the positive.

House prices are on the up right now but growth has slowed and they could fall again. If property prices dip will you be able to continue holding your investment?

Meanwhile, rates are low at the moment and that is encouraging people to invest with rent comfortable covering the mortgage, but what will you do when rates rise?

Consider too the standard variable rate you may move to after a fixed rate period. What will happen if you can't remortgage?

Even in popular areas properties can sit empty. One rule of thumb many buy-to-let investors apply is to factor in the property sitting empty for two months of the year - this gives a substantial buffer.

Homes often need repairing and things can go wrong. If you do not have enough in the bank to cover a major repair to your property, such as a new boiler, do not invest yet.

It's also essential to read up on tax on buy-to-let. It now incurs an extra 3 per cent stamp duty surcharge and soon all mortgage interest will no longer be able to be set against rental income before income tax is calculated. Instead a 20 per cent tax credit will be phased in. Read about tax on buy-to-let here.

10. Consider how hands-on you want to be.

Buying a property is only the first step. Will you rent it out yourself or get an agent to do so.

Agents will charge you a management fee, but will deal with any problems and have a good network of plumbers, electricians and other workers if things go wrong.

You can make more money by renting the property out yourself but be prepared to give up weekends and evenings on viewings, advertising and repairs.

If you choose an agent you do not have to go for a High Street presence, many independent agents offer an excellent and personal service.

Select a shortlist of agents big and small and ask them what they can offer you.

If you are considering going it alone look at where you will advertise your property and where you will get documents, such as tenancy agreements from.

It really pays to look after your tenants. Do this and they will look after you.

The biggest drag on many buy-to-let landlord's investment returns is the void period. A time when you don't have anyone in the property. Good tenants who want to stay help avoid this - and if they move on they may even recommend your property to someone they know.

Keep up with maintenance, make sure your property is a nice place to live and try and build a good personal relationship with your tenants.

This guide was first written in February 2006 and is regularly updated.

Should Employers Require that Workplace Disputes Be Arbitrated?

Many employers are considering mandatory arbitration of employment claims in response to the increasing risks and costs associated with employment litigation. This article reviews the legal developments that have made arbitration a viable option, the pros and cons of arbitration, and the experiences of some employers who have implemented mandatory arbitration. It then addresses employers’ use of arbitration as part of a multi-step dispute resolution program, with suggestions on how such programs should be designed.

The Rise in Employment Litigation.

During the past forty years employers have seen a steady rise in the volume of employment related litigation as Congress has passed a series of laws (Title VII, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Americans with Disabilities Act and others) giving employees new legal rights and the ability to enforce those rights in court. In 1991, Congress expanded the types of employment cases tried to juries and broadened the types of damages that employees can recover. Since then, employment litigation in federal courts has increased nearly 300 percent, and state courts have experienced a similar rise in claims.

Many employers feel that a “lottery-type” mentality now exists in which employees – and their attorneys – believe that, with a little luck and the right jury, almost any claim could result in a million dollar verdict. There is some basis for this belief. One recent study showed that one out of every five plaintiffs’ verdicts in employment discrimination cases is for over $1,000,000.

For many employers, even more problematic than the risk of an employee “hitting the jackpot” on an employment claim are the costs associated with defending employment lawsuits – even the totally meritless ones. These costs include both the attorneys’ fees expended and the considerable management time drained by such litigation. According to one recent study, the average attorneys’ fees incurred in a seriously contested employment discrimination case is about $150,000. Indeed, because these cases are usually so fact intensive, attorneys’ fees can easily exceed $250,000. Moreover, cases typically take at least two or three years from the initial filing of an administrative charge of discrimination to a court trial, and can serve as a continuing distraction for employers. In light of the above, it stands to reason that most employers would be very interested in implementing a system that resolves employment disputes more quickly, more cost-effectively, and, at the same time, eliminates the risk of a million dollar jury verdict. Is mandatory arbitration such a system? What are the pros and cons of mandatory arbitration? How does an employer design such a program?

The U. S. Supreme Court Speaks: The Gilmer, Circuit City and Waffle House Decisions.

Congress enacted the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”), 9 U. S.C. & sect; 1 et seq., back in 1925 to address the needs of businesses frustrated by the unwillingness of courts to enforce arbitration agreements. The FAA put arbitration agreements on the same legal footing as other contracts and required the judicial enforcement of arbitration agreements in any “contract evidencing a transaction involving commerce.” As a result of the FAA, “commercial” arbitration became a frequently-used system to resolve business disputes.

Although employers began to incorporate arbitration provisions in some employment agreements, enactment of the FAA did not lead to the widespread use of arbitration for employment disputes. Three reasons for the limited use of employment arbitration were: (i) as noted above, the risks and costs of employment litigation were generally viewed to be not as great in the years prior to 1991; (ii) uncertainty existed as to whether arbitration agreements were enforceable as to statutory employment discrimination claims; and (iii) even more fundamentally, uncertainty existed as to whether the FAA applied to most employment relationships at all.

In 1991, the use of employment arbitration received huge boosts from both the United States Supreme Court and Congress. First, in Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson Lane, 500 U. S. 20 (1991), the Supreme Court changed the landscape by endorsing binding arbitration of employment claims, including statutory employment discrimination claims. Second, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1991, which expanded the right to jury trials in employment discrimination cases and also broadened the damages available to plaintiffs. The Civil Rights Act also included the following legislative endorsement of arbitration:

When appropriate and to the extent authorized by law, the use of alternative means of dispute resolution, including. . . arbitration, is encouraged to resolve disputes arising under the Acts or provisions of federal law amended by this title.

Although 1991 is viewed as a watershed year for employment arbitration, there still remained some uncertainty as to whether the FAA covered most employment relationships. That is because the FAA contains a clause that excludes from its coverage “contracts of employment of seamen, railroad employees or any other class of workers engaged in foreign or interstate commerce.” The unresolved issue was whether the FAA’s exclusion clause excluded all employment contracts, or only those involving transportation workers.

In 2001, ten years after Gilmer, the Supreme Court finally resolved this issue in Circuit City Stores, Inc. v. Adams, 532 U. S. 105 (2001), holding that the FAA applies to contracts signed by most employees, and excludes from its coverage only the employment contracts of seamen, railroad employees, and other transportation workers. In continuing to endorse the use of arbitration, the Court praised the “real benefits” that arbitration provides, particularly the avoidance of litigation costs - a benefit, the Court noted, “of particular importance in employment litigation.”

Just one year after Circuit City, the U. S. Supreme Court again turned its attention to employment arbitration. In EEOC v. Waffle House, Inc., 534 U. S. 279 (2002), the Court considered whether the EEOC was barred from seeking victim-specific judicial relief, such as back pay, reinstatement, front pay and other damages for an employee who had signed a mandatory arbitration agreement. The Court sided with the EEOC against the employer, holding that, because the EEOC had not agreed to arbitrate and had interests independent of those of the individual employee, the agency could bring an action seeking individual relief for that employee. Significantly, however, the EEOC brings relatively few such actions (only 332 nationwide in 2002), and so the practical effect of the decision is limited.

Though legal challenges continue and future court rulings (and possibly legislation) will affect the enforceability of particular arbitration schemes, the following conclusions can be drawn from the Supreme Court’s decisions in Gilmer, Circuit City and Waffle House: (1) Arbitration of employment claims is encouraged because it generally offers a faster and more cost-effective process for resolving these claims. (2) Arbitration proceedings must be accessible, fair and provide full remedies under the law. While intended to be a more informal and expeditious process than court litigation, arbitration changes only the forum for resolving disputes, not employees’ substantive rights. (3) The EEOC may continue to exercise its discretion to pursue discrimination claims in court where the public interest requires it.

Pros and Cons of Mandatory Arbitration.

In November 2000, Carolyn Wheeler, Assistant General Counsel of the EEOC, told The Wall Street Journal: “If the outcome of the Circuit City case is that arbitration agreements are enforceable, then I don’t know why everybody wouldn’t adopt them.” Nevertheless, in considering whether to implement a system requiring the arbitration of employment disputes, employers should first weigh the advantages and disadvantages of arbitration. Arbitration may be a very good idea for most employers, but may not be well-suited for others.

Avoidance of Juries.

Many employers view the avoidance of a potentially plaintiff-friendly, and overly-generous jury as the most significant advantage of arbitration. The unpredictability of juries and the fear that a jury may award excessive emotional distress and/or punitive damages drive many court cases to pretrial settlement. In contrast, arbitrations are usually heard by a single arbitrator or three-arbitrator panel who have substantial knowledge and experience in the area of employment law. Although arbitration does not guarantee well-reasoned decisions or moderate damage awards, the conventional wisdom is that arbitrators tend to be both more predictable in decision-making and resonable in awarding damages than juries. (Indeed, arbitrators who are viewed as unpredictable and overly generous stand to be selected as arbitrators in very few cases.)

Less Expensive.

The cost of defending an employment case in court through trial often exceeds $200,000. The average cost of an employment arbitration is $20,000. See Estreicher, Saturns for Rickshaws, Why Predispute Employment Arbitration Should Be Preserved, Currents – The Newsletter of Dispute Resolution Law and Practice, Dec. 2001 – Feb. 2002, at 16. Arbitration is normally less expensive because the proceedings are simpler and there is no appeal. Many court cases settle simply because the cost of defense far exceeds the cost of settlement. Arbitration makes the defense of an employment claim a less costly proposition.

Arbitration is usually a private process. There are no public records and no public hearings. The media generally does not have public access to the details of the dispute as it does in court cases when it can review public court filings and attend trials.

Court cases frequently take several years to work their way first through the administrative agency process and then the court process. One of the principal objectives of arbitration is to reach a resolution quickly - within months, not years. Protracted litigation tends to cause stress among the parties and witnesses, distract employees from more productive work, and adversely affect morale. Of course, protracted arbitrations can also occur, especially where the parties choose busy arbitrators who can offer only widely-separated hearing dates.


While arbitration certainly is an adversarial process, and an arbitration hearing proceeds in a manner similar to a non-jury court trial, the process as a whole is less formal than typical litigation. The hearings take place in conference rooms, not courtrooms. Arbitrators usually attempt to accommodate the schedules and needs of the parties and counsel, and generally try to make the arbitration experience as pleasant as possible under the circumstances. The relative informality can aid in the preservation of any ongoing relationship between the employer and the employee. Further, in some cases both the employer and the employee may be able to present their case without the need for counsel.

Arbitration is final and binding, and the grounds for review are very limited. Neither side has the ability to drag out a case through the appeal process.

Potential Increase in Claims.

A major concern employers have with arbitration is that more employees may pursue claims if they can do so easily and relatively cheaply through arbitration. If implementing arbitration results in a significantly greater number of claims, the cost savings associated with arbitration (versus court litigation) may be wiped out. Data indicates, however, that this usually does not happen. Indeed, when arbitration is implemented as the final step in a multi-step dispute resolution program (as discussed below), the experience has been that the number of claims that proceed to arbitration is less than the number of cases that proceeded to court before the program’s implementation.

More Cases Are Decided on the Merits.

Some of the same things that make court litigation so expensive and protracted – extensive discovery and motion practice – also serve to reduce greatly the number of cases that actually go to trial. It works as a screening process. Most court cases settle out well before trial because the cost of proceeding to trial exceeds the cost of settlement, and/or the extensive discovery conducted has uncovered the strengths and weaknesses of each side’s case so the parties and their counsel can evaluate settlement more effectively. Many other court cases are dismissed at the summary judgment stage, after discovery has been completed (and much time and money have already been spent). Some view summary judgment as not available in arbitration.

Consequently, the use of mandatory arbitration may mean that a greater percentage of employment claims will actually be decided on the merits, after witnesses have testified and other evidence has been examined. This may be a “pro” and not a “con” because an employer’s decision to proceed to “trial/hearing” will likely be dictated more by the employer’s view of the merits and less by the substantial cost of defense.

Mandatory Arbitration as Part of a Multi-Step Dispute Resolution Program.

A survey of more than 20 Fortune 500 companies’ dispute resolution programs found that most employers who have implemented mandatory arbitration have done so in a way that makes arbitration the last step in a multi-step dispute resolution process.

Most programs require that employment claims first be submitted to a human resources and/or management panel review. Claims that are not resolved are then submitted to mediation. Programs typically provide for the use of a professional outside mediator who will work to obtain a mutually acceptable resolution of the dispute. If mediation is unsuccessful, claims are then submitted to binding arbitration.

The companies surveyed reported very positive results:

Companies reported that over 85% of all claims were resolved prior to arbitration. Most were resolved internally, without lawyers. Companies reported that most claims were resolved within 90 days. Companies reported that the costs of handling cases that went to arbitration were less than one-half the average cost of lawsuits that needed to be defended before the program’s adoption. One large company reported that it had 118 pending employment lawsuits when it adopted its program, but has had only four arbitrations in the five years since. Programs that did not use steps before arbitration did reduce costs but had more arbitrations than multi-step programs.

Companies that adopted programs with a problem-solving approach and with the active support of senior management achieved success through multi-step procedures because they were able to address issues as “people problems,” rather than legal matters. None of the companies reported that a program’s adoption led to increased claims. To the contrary, most companies surveyed reported a decrease.

Designing Dispute Resolution Programs.

Employers should not design dispute resolution programs with the goal of limiting the substantive rights or remedies of employees. In endorsing arbitration, the Supreme Court has emphasized that “[b]y agreeing to arbitrate a statutory claim, a party does not forgo the substantive rights afforded by the statute; it only submits to their resolution in an arbitral, rather than a judicial forum.” Programs need to be fair and accessible to employees. They should be written clearly and address directly the fact that the program is mandatory and is to be used as an alternative to court. The following issues should be considered and addressed:

Scope of Disputes – Employers must decide what types of employment disputes can be submitted to their dispute resolution programs. All disputes? Only disputes concerning discipline? Only disputes concerning discharges? Some employers may feel they want to restrict use of the programs to discipline and discharge matters so that employers do not end up wasting their resources addressing every perceived slight experienced in the workplace. However, employers should be mindful that what may start out as perceived slights frequently develop into serious employment disputes. Moreover, where dispute resolution programs are open to all disputes most matters are resolved at the first step(s): the human resources and/or management panel review.

Employers may want to block the possibility of class actions being brought in arbitration by including express language precluding class action arbitrations. The ability to avoid class actions and collective actions (under the Fair Labor Standards Act) is a significant potential benefit to some employers when considering arbitration Beware, however, that a court might conclude that an arbitration agreement’s preclusion of class-wide arbitrations makes the agreement unenforceable.

There must be mutuality to the agreement to submit disputes to the program. In other words, employers cannot require employees to submit disputes to the program but, at the same time, reserve the employers’ right to litigate in court. If an employee is bound to submit a dispute to a program, so must be the employer; otherwise, the program will not be enforceable. Employers can carve out from programs certain types of disputes where immediate access to court may be important, such as disputes concerning non-competition or trade secret obligations. The “carve out,” though, should apply equally to the employer and the employee.

Selection of the Arbitrator – Dispute resolution programs should provide for the selection of a qualified and neutral arbitrator. Employees should be permitted to participate in the selection from a diverse panel of arbitrators. Dispute resolution organizations such as the American Arbitration Association and JAMS can provide parties with lists of qualified arbitrators and procedures through which an arbitrator can be chosen. Representation by Counsel – Employers should permit employees to be represented by an attorney of their choice in arbitration proceedings, though some employees may choose not to be represented by counsel. Employers may consider including a provision that if an employee chooses not to be represented by counsel then the employer will proceed without counsel as well. Discovery – As discussed above, some major benefits to arbitration are that it is faster, less expensive, and less disruptive than court litigation. Traditionally, discovery (depositions, written interrogatories, document requests, etc.) in arbitration has been limited. However, courts addressing the enforceability of arbitration agreements have stated that some amount of pre-arbitration hearing discovery, including the taking of depositions, should be permitted to give employees access to information necessary to present their claims. Arbitrators can be given discretion to permit discovery consistent with the concept that arbitration is intended to be less time-consuming and expensive than court litigation. Written Decisions – Arbitrators should be required to issue written opinions explaining their decisions and awards. Written decisions should engender some confidence in the process and provide some guidance to the parties concerning future conduct. Scope of Remedies – Employers may be tempted to limit the potential damages/remedies that may be awarded to employees in arbitration (e. g., punitive damages). This would be a mistake because courts will not permit employers to limit statutory remedies. To reduce the risk of legal challenge, employees should be permitted to recover in arbitration anything that would have been available to them under applicable law in court, including attorneys’ fees and punitive damages. Remember, arbitration agreements change the forum for resolving disputes, not employees’ substantive rights afforded by statute. Costs of Arbitration – Arbitrators do not work for free; one or both of the parties must pay the costs of arbitration. In the absence of an agreement on the issue, arbitrators usually expect the parties to split the costs. However, some courts have attacked this practice as unfair to employees who, the courts say, should not have to pay substantial arbitration costs when the court system is free to them, beyond the initial filing fees (currently $150 in federal courts). Employers, therefore, should consider paying the costs of arbitration. In addition to reducing the risk of legal challenge, employer-paid arbitration will increase the chances that the dispute resolution program is well-received by employees. Moreover, looking at the broader picture, paying for the costs of the (hopefully) infrequent arbitration will be a small price to pay for the benefits of an effective multi-step dispute resolution program.


Recent Supreme Court decisions have made it clear that employers can require that employees submit employment claims to arbitration, though legal challenges to mandatory arbitration continue. Many employers have successfully implemented multi-step programs, which include arbitration, to resolve workplace disputes fairly and efficiently. These programs require the support of senior management, and must be designed to meet the employer’s objectives. Careful attention must be paid to applicable legal requirements as well as to how the programs are communicated to employees. It appears that most employers who have implemented multi-step dispute resolution programs have experienced very favorable results.

For more information, please feel free to contact our Employment Law Group .

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